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A Great College Essay Will Do More Than Just Get You Into College
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

A Great College Essay Will Do More Than Just Get You Into College

In previous posts, we’ve mentioned that the college essay is the most underestimated part of the college application – and it’s certainly true that a top college essay will dramatically improve your chances of getting into your dream college.

But from our perspective, that’s just the beginning. If you approach the process correctly and write an essay that captures your authentic experience, you will reap the benefits throughout your entire professional life. Here are three benefits to writing a strong college essay that we believe are even more important than getting into college.

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Five Ways to Help Your Student with the College Essay Process
Sarah Stoller Sarah Stoller

Five Ways to Help Your Student with the College Essay Process

With admissions season in full swing, you may be wondering how you can best help your teenager with the dozens of college essays they will need to write. By this point, you've no doubt already spent years thinking about SATs and ACTs, as well as your student’s GPA and extracurriculars. In this context, it's easy for college essays to become an afterthought. But admissions essays are really important. In fact, in terms of distinguishing competitive applicants, they matter more than people think. But before you panic and run to ask your already stressed kid if they have any thoughts about their college essays, here are a few tips about how to help them navigate the process.

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How to Revise a College Essay
Sarah Stoller Sarah Stoller

How to Revise a College Essay

By the time you’ve made it to your junior or senior year, you’ve probably written and revised an essay or two — or a hundred. Maybe you’ve had a hard-to-please English teacher who wants more in-depth textual analysis, or a history teacher who never quite seems satisfied with the structure of your writing. But receiving and incorporating someone’s feedback on your work can feel very different when the subject matter is you. Revising a college essay is an art form all its own. We’ve got you covered. 

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Never Pay Someone to Write Your College Essay
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

Never Pay Someone to Write Your College Essay

If in your darker moments you find yourself asking, “Can I pay someone to write my college essay?” we’re here to tell you: no. We obviously don’t need to tell you that getting someone to write your college essay is a violation of academic ethics, and if you’re caught, you will either be rejected from the college in question or your offer of acceptance will be rescinded. That’s not the point of today’s blog post. Instead, we’re going to explain why paying someone for this service is a bad idea for a different reason: it simply won’t improve your chances of being admitted in the first place. 

Here are three reasons why you should never pay someone to write your college essay for you — and if anyone offers you this service, you should run.

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Get to Know Your College Essay Tutor: Sarah
Sarah Stoller Sarah Stoller

Get to Know Your College Essay Tutor: Sarah

What made you want to tutor college essay writing?

I love writing, I love reading, and I love working with teenagers. I’ve been a writer and teacher for most of my career. I’ve written and published everything from blog posts to op-eds and an academic book. But I especially enjoy writing personal essays, and helping others to craft theirs. Personal essay writing is its own amazing art form and college applications are often the first structured opportunity students have to tell their stories on the page. I feel really privileged to meet students at this unique moment between teenagehood and early adulthood, and work with them to discover new ways of sharing their unique experiences. 

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Writing a Winning College Essay for Bucknell: A Former Student's Take
Jennifer J. Jennifer J.

Writing a Winning College Essay for Bucknell: A Former Student's Take

When I first sought out help with my Common App essay, I didn't really know what to expect. I had experience working with tutors for high school courses, but never with a topic that was so important for my future. During my first session, I was very nervous and I wasn’t sure how the meeting would go. After having a normal conversation with Ben and getting to know each other a little bit, things were easier. Once I established a relationship with Ben, he began to help me dig deeper into my life and my personal goals and interests. 

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What is Working with a College Essay Coach Really Like?
Sarah Stoller Sarah Stoller

What is Working with a College Essay Coach Really Like?

If you're like many high school students, you may be feeling overwhelmed by some aspect of college essay writing. This makes perfect sense: very few students have any experience with writing personal essays before starting the college application process. Add to that the fact that college applications are intensive and exhausting, and it's a recipe for stress. Depending on your unique strengths and personality, different parts of college essay writing may feel more or less challenging, from choosing a topic and brainstorming, to outlining, drafting, and revising. If this sounds familiar, working with a college essay tutor or another trusted mentor can make a huge difference. But you may wonder, what is working with a college essay tutor really like?

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The College Essay Isn’t Dead
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

The College Essay Isn’t Dead

The college essay is a rite of passage in American life. Some students look forward to writing about themselves; most don’t, because they’ve never written anything like it before. Nevertheless, along with their GPA, SAT, and extracurriculars list, the admissions essay plays a key part in determining where students end up going to college.

There has recently been a flurry of headlines claiming that the college essay is dead and that nothing can be done to save it. This is patently untrue. The college essay not only isn’t dead; it’s the one component of the college application most likely to endure. Here’s why the college essay will continue to play a key role in admissions decisions for many years to come.

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Why You Shouldn’t Write Your College Essay in One Night
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

Why You Shouldn’t Write Your College Essay in One Night

It happens to everyone. You have an essay due in a month, and somehow you never quite get to it. A week slips by, then another, then another, and the next thing you know, you’re pulling an all-nighter. You’re up till 5am the next day making sure you reach the word count, and you get it in just on time. What a relief!

While this may be a decent idea for one of your classes in high school - and it may even work better than writing your essay in advance sometimes - it’s a terrible idea for the college essay. Here are the three main reasons why you shouldn’t write this all-important 650-word essay just before the deadline.

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You Shouldn’t Write about Trauma in Your College Essay
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

You Shouldn’t Write about Trauma in Your College Essay

If you’ve landed here, you’ve probably heard that you should “sell your trauma” in your college essay. In other words, you should tell a sob story and capitalize on the worst thing that’s ever happened to you, because that will get you into the college of your dreams. We totally disagree with this, and in today’s blog, we’ll explain why.

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What Are the Most Popular Common App essay topics?
Sarah Stoller Sarah Stoller

What Are the Most Popular Common App essay topics?

If you’re applying to college this Fall, you may be curious about what topics most students choose for their college essays. And as it turns out, we have the answer! We recently got in touch with the Common App to ask them some questions about the history of the essay. They’ve been around for almost 50 years now, and a lot has changed since the 1970s, both in terms of the prompts students are given and their essay topic preferences. Here are some highlights from Common Apps past and present! 

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The Key to Writing an Original College Essay
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

The Key to Writing an Original College Essay

It’s very difficult to stand out in a college application. Of course, it’s extremely important to have good grades, a high SAT/ACT score, and an impressive list of extracurriculars - but lots of students submit impressive applications that meet all of these criteria. The college essay is the only part of the application that gives you the chance to distinguish yourself from everyone else.

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3 Mistakes to Avoid in the Overcoming Challenges College Essay
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

3 Mistakes to Avoid in the Overcoming Challenges College Essay

It’s one of the most popular college essay prompts students respond to, and it may even be the classic college essay topic. If you do it well, you can really distinguish yourself from other applicants, but if you do it poorly, you will probably be placed at the bottom of the pile. In today’s post, we will reveal three big mistakes students make in writing the “Overcoming Challenges” college essay, and in each case, we’ll explain what you should do instead.

Let’s begin with the prompt itself, which you should read multiple times: “The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?”

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Writing a College Essay is Harder than You Think
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

Writing a College Essay is Harder than You Think

We’re a small company that works one-on-one with students on their college essays, and every single one of our tutors not only holds a PhD from a top institution but has also published a book with a prestigious university press. And even though each one of us has a decade of experience working with students on their college essays (not to mention many years teaching in top colleges), it’s always challenging to help new applicants come up with a college essay that will really stand out.

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Why You Shouldn’t Write an Essay on “Any Topic of Your Choice”
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

Why You Shouldn’t Write an Essay on “Any Topic of Your Choice”

After reviewing college essays for many years, we strongly believe that Common App prompt #7 is the single worst college essay prompt for most applicants. You may be tempted to think that because the prompt gives you a lot of freedom, it will allow you to express yourself and stand out more - but it usually ends up doing the opposite. Here are three big reasons we urge you to select one of the other prompts when you write your college essay.

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Top Three Tips for the Stanford Supplementals
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

Top Three Tips for the Stanford Supplementals

Stanford is one of the most competitive schools to get into, and its supplemental prompts are different from other schools. You’ll need to write 3 essays of 100-250 words and 5 short answers of 50 words, in addition to your main college essay. But remember: you’ll be competing with the best students in the country (and around the world), so you’ll need to make sure that every response you submit is both distinctive and well written. If you don’t put in the work, there’s no reason to apply, because your application will simply be removed from the pile. 

If you’ve been reading our blog, you’ll know we don’t believe in reading sample college essays and we don’t think there’s any formula you can follow. But we do think some general guidelines can be helpful, so here are our top 3 tips for writing the Stanford supplementals.

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Essence Objects Won’t Help You Write a College Essay
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

Essence Objects Won’t Help You Write a College Essay

What is an essence object? Essentially it’s an object you own (or use regularly) that represents one of your fundamental qualities. So you could pick the violin you’ve been playing since you were a child, or the soccer jersey you were wearing when you scored your first goal, or the book your grandfather gave you before he died. You start by brainstorming ten or twenty of these essence objects, and the one you pick forms the basis for your college essay.

Unfortunately, essence objects won’t help you write a great college essay. Instead, they prevent you from thinking through your life experience seriously and maturely. Here are the main reasons we don’t recommend getting lost in this brainstorming exercise.

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The Values Exercise Won’t Help You Write a College Essay
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

The Values Exercise Won’t Help You Write a College Essay

There’s a lot of confusion around what it means to brainstorm your college essay. The standard advice is that you should rack your brain and write down every single idea that comes to mind, as if this will somehow lead to a magical idea that will get you into college. But it’s not that simple. You can only brainstorm effectively if you do it from the right starting point.

Here’s an example of the wrong starting point: a handful of college essay websites suggest that you should brainstorm your values for college essay ideas. This means you should look at a list of abstract concepts and pick out the ones you value the most. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help you get started on your college essay, and it can actively sabotage the writing process. In this post, we’ll explain why, step by step.

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Why College Essay Tutors Need to Be Brutally Honest
Ben Urwand Ben Urwand

Why College Essay Tutors Need to Be Brutally Honest

A college essay tutor is the last qualified person to read your essay before it goes to admissions officers, and they won’t be doing you a service if they act like you’re ready to submit when you’re not. If you know what to expect, working with a college essay tutor can be extremely helpful and, we hope, enjoyable! Here are three reasons why you should seek out a college essay tutor who’s direct with you:

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